Following a nearly 3 year call-of-the-wild in New York City working for Tiffany and Co., this southern gal has returned to her home WELL south of the Mason Dixon Line. My previous adventures were chronicled at Y'all and Yanks...a blog fitting for this southerner's adventures in Manhattan. It's been over a year since my last post. To be quite honest, I was just tired. My husband and I needed some time to move back to Charlotte, albeit into my father-in-laws home, and prepare to move back into our home, which was preoccupied with renters at the time. We are finally back in our micro-condo and settling in nicely.
So it begins...another love-hate relationship with blogging. I'm not the best writer, but this is my outlet to talk about my life, fashion, fitness and all the lovely things...and maybe not so lovely things...that fall between. My Hero and I recently celebrated our 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, so I thought this would be the perfect time to begin again. Welcome to Biscuits and Baubles! He's southern like a good biscuit and things that sparkle make me one happy girl.
so glad you're back to blogging!