Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monogrammed Indulgence

If you know me at all, it's no surprise that I love monogrammed products. I would probably monogram my entire life if (1) it wouldn't be so tacky and (2) My Hero would let me.

Since my phone is nearly grafted to my hand most days because of my job, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to monogram this technological gem...again. Natch, the protective casing is monogrammed, so it was only fitting for the other side to be as well. Indulgence is a luxury for this lady, but thrifty indulgence comes more frequently than My Hero brings to my attention (Thanks for overseeing my quirks, Sparky!).

Here's a pict of the latest initialization...harking Siri is a treat now even though she still can't answer any of my questions.

Lean & Clean in 2014!!!

2014!!! A new year! I L-O-V-E the beginning of another year! It a whole new 365 days!!! Am I the only one who is optimistic with the coming of a new year? I revel in this time of year almost as much as Valentine's Day. Almost.

Each year, I set new goals for myself...some that scare me to no extent and some that are definitely attainable. 2010 was the last year I set goals for myself that scared me to no end. I had no idea how they would turn out, but I ended up moving to New York City, having a successful job at Tiffany & Co., and met incredibly, talented and driven women who have forever changed the trajectory of my life. I feel that 2014 is going to be another year like that. I must say that I love every minute of my life the older I get. My 30s have been THE best yet.

Without further ado, my goals for 2014 are...

1) I've decided to start my own business as a Coach with Beach Body.
I've participated in Beach Body workout programs for years and have enjoyed each one. From Turbo Jam to 10 Minute Trainer to P90X to Chalean Extreme to Insanity to T25...I've invested a lot of my own time and energy into Beach Body's fitness industry that it only seems natural for me to become a Coach...I'm probably long overdue for this position, but better late than never, right? I am so excited to help others reach their fitness goals. #LeanAndCleanIn2014

NOT TO WORRY, I'm keeping my current job. I just couldn't imagine giving up a job I love so much! I have waited years to say, "I LOVE MY JOB" and truly mean it. I love the shoe industry. I adore my boss, how much she cares for her team, the knowledge she brings to the industry, her sense of humor, and her ability to be grounded when necessary. I love the team I work with on a daily basis. I honestly never thought I would be able to say this...EVER!

I can't wait for the opportunity to share my passion for fitness with other people now too! Please let me know what fitness goals you have. I would be happy to help you any way I can to achieve them.

Here's a sneek-peek at my new home office...tiny but effective:

2) We are going to have a family this year...I think...
I've waited 10 years for this and it might be 11 or more before it comes to fruition. I've been blessed with an amazingly supportive husband who's let me achieve my career goals (I drug the poor fella to NYC!) and he's given me nearly everything I could ever want...within reason (those Louis Vuitton bags hit hard, but the overtime hours I worked to earn them was well worth it!). We'd have more money in savings if it weren't for me, but he loves me none-the-less. Most of all, he loves me unconditionally. I've never experienced a relationship like this and couldn't imagine my life without it. I look forward to our next chapter in creating a life to share that kind of love with.

3) Adoption
It shouldn't be any surprise to my closest friends how passionate I am about adoption. I've know from a very young age that this is the path Christ set before me. There is a child out there that needs our love and support that no other parents can bring. I will not waver on this decision. 2014 will be the year that we fervently plan for this child, pray over him or her and continue to make preparations in our savings. The adoption process can take years and, while we don't yet have our own family yet, we should be planning for it. This is a 5 year goal that I am holding firm to and hope that my friends will hold me accountable of. I may be an old mom to my children, but I'll definitely be fit and cool!

What are your goals for 2014? What are the goals that scare the poopy out of you? I know that starting my own coaching business will take a lot of my personal time and money, but I know that it's an opportunity for me to help others. I know that having a family won't be all raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but my heart yearns for the long nights and lack of sleep. I know that adoption will be tricky and that my child may eventually want to know his/her biological parents. I am scared of 2014, but so hopeful!

Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Le Boudoir

One of my favorite places in any of the homes I have lived is the bedroom. I've always cherished this space as a personal sanctuary. I love all spaces of my current teeny-tiny condo, but, somehow, this space gets pulled together sooner than the others.

This room has been overhauled since our first tour in the condo (pre-NYC: Refer here - http://yallandyanks.blogspot.com/). The room was a chocolate brown with an extremely large 4-poster mahogany bed that was entirely too large for the room. The furniture was all very dark and heavy. Evidence is below.

The room is now a mix of modern and shabby chic. My Hero really wanted wanted the new decor (post-NYC) to be black and chrome...ummm, well, I did what I could to blend both of our styles. The walls are now a warm gray. We purchased a bed we both liked, but the wood was a poop-brown (Ugh! Yuck!)...so, I had it painted with a black base and white overlay. A tiny, white, cocktail server is utilized as my bedside table, while My Hero's bedside table is matte black...manly for sure. 

I am so in love with our new bedroom. Yes, I kept a few Tiffany boxes to remind me of the success, trials and best years of my life so far. Look out, 2014! I have a feeling the best is yet to come! 
